VT50 Registration Opens ONE WEEK from Tonight! #VT50 #mountainbikes #ultrarun #VT #NH
Entry Fee:
$135 – Mountain Bikers (limited to 650 riders)
$135 – Runners
$310– RUNNER Relay (2-3 person team) (Combined runners limited to 550)
A non-refundable ChronoTrack processing fee will be charged per registration.
Fee Includes: Breakfast Munchies, aid station food, Post Race Dinner, T shirt and festivities, and a few more surprises.
Please Note Racers Age Group:
Mt Bikers race age is as of 12/31 of race year.
Runners age is what they are on race day.
You may register yourself and up to 6 friends. However, to insure that you and your friends/family get registered we recommend each racer use a separate computer.
Parents/Legal Guardians must register their children 12-18 years old.
Confirming your registration:
You will receive a confirmation email almost immediately from Chronotrack.com.
The fastest way to register is to either:
Set up a Chronotrack Live account:https://admin.chronotrack.com/user/profile/create-account
Sign in as a Guest.
Have your credit card ready!
When Registration goes LIVE Monday night May 25 at 7p.m. you will see this screen:
You can click on “Continue as a Guest” or type in your “ChronoTrack Live account.”
The Vermont 50 Race Registration opens on May 25, for each race year, at 7 p.m. ET.
- We do not use a waiting list
- No Walk Up Registration-Our Races Usually fill up well before race day
- No Registration on Race Day
- No Transferring of Race Registrations
- Race Registration closes on September 14 at 12 noon ET OR when all races have SOLD OUT.
Saturday Registration Package Pickup:
Pick up your registration packets on Saturday, September 24, 2016, noon to 8:00 PM
Participants must pick up their own registration packets. Photo ID is required to pick up packets.
Entrants must pre-register on line by September 14th, 2016, or before if we hit our limit, which ever comes first. Then just pick up racer packets on Saturday September 24.
Mountain Bikers: Our agreement with property owners who let us run the race over their property says that no more than 650 mountain bike riders may race, and race over their property ON RACE DAY ONLY! NO PRE-RACE RIDING!
Runners: We have had to limit the number of runners on course to 600 for ALL runner races, we can no longer support walk-in registrations. NO PRE-RACE RUNNING!
Racer Age:
Mt Bikers race age is as of 12/31 of race year.
Runners age is what they are on race day.
Registration Changes:
Changes May be Made Until September 12 for Mountain Bikers and September 19 for Runners Noon ET! No exceptions.
Refunds: $50 Refunds will be given before September 1st.
Waiver Forms: Waiver forms are available when you register. Additional waiver forms are availablehere.
If you don’t get in this year, we hope you will try again to register in 2017 or maybe come volunteer with us at this year’s event!
Vermont 50 Website Updates:
We’ve created web pages for each race to hopefully make finding information about each race easier to find.
VT 50 Mountain Bike Page: https://vt50mtnbikerace.blogspot.com/
VT50 Runner Page: https://vt50ultrarun.blogspot.com/
VT50 Relay Team Page: https://vt50relay.blogspot.com/
The Vermont 50 Mountain Bike or Ultra Run was founded in 1993 by Laura Farrell. She is also the Founder of Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports andThe Vermont 100 Endurance Run
Vermont 50 is a Proud Supporter of VMBA andSTAB
This Race is USATF Sanctioned Event Sanction Number: 13-02-550