Time to Sign Up-Vermont 50 Kids FREE Fun Run or Ride #VT50 #VT50mi #VT50K #mountainbikes #ultrarun #VT #NH #vermontadaptive
Kids Free Trail Run or Ride
September 24, 2016
Bike Ride 2:00 p.m.
Fun Run 3:30 p.m.
Ascutney Trails,
Ski Tow Rd. Brownsville, VT
To all our Vermont 50 families and Friends:
It’s time to register your child (children) for one of our FREE Fun Trail Runs or Bike Rides.
NEW FOR 2016 *Kids Fun Mountain Bike Rides*
Sign Up Online Today
Only 25 spots per ride!
Helmets Must Be Worn for ALL Bike Rides!
Donations for Vermont Adaptive are appreciated
Dear Parents:
Some of you may have signed up through ChronoTrack when you registered for the adult race. We are asking you to please sign up on our ONLINE registration form as the ChronoTrack page is missing some much needed information for us.
Please Feel free to share this blog with other families that might be around for the Vermont 50 Race Weekend at Ascutney Trails.
The course will be a loop at the start/finish of the VT50 race
The final mile will be the final mile of the VT50.
These FREE fun races gives the kids a chance to feel like they’re part of the Vermont 50 and are held during the Vermont 50 race check-in and packet pick up, starting Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Run or Ride Registration/Check-In:
Saturday, Sept. 24 noon-2:45 p.m.
Vermont 50 Big Tent (Cunningham’s Lot)
Look for the Kid’s Fun Trail Run or Ride tables
Directions to our Fun Run or Ride
Please park at the Base Lodge Parking Area (and walk or bike ride down the hill)
You can sign up online ahead of time, and just drop off your Waiver sheet(s) and pick up your bib(s).
Run Check-in: noon-2:45 p.m.
Ride Check-in: noon-1:45 p.m.
Race Waiver Form Please fill out one Waiver Form per Child and bring it along with you to race registration on Saturday September 24!
A Poster for you to share at your schools: Kid Free Fun Race Poster
Again, this race is FREE, however we will gladly accept online donations for Vermont Adaptive or look for the donation jar at the Kid’s Race Table on Saturday.
Run check-in Noon-2:45 pm
Run races-3:30 p.m.
1/2 mile Run
1 mile Run
5 Km (3 mile) Run*
Bike check-in noon-1:45 p.m.
Bike Ride -2 p.m.
1 mile Bike Ride
2 mile Bike Ride*
Helmets are required for ALL Bike Rides
Bike rides are limited to 25 riders for each ride-first come, first serve
*2 mile bike ride and 3 mile trail run
are for children who are able to bike or run independently
So sign up your child, or children, and we’ll see you Sept. 24 at Ascutney Trails!
Deb, Lorinda and Mike, Kids Fun Trail Run or Ride Race Directors
Questions? Call Deb Shearer at 802-384-2129
[email protected]
PS. Don’t forget about
3rd Annual Hay Bale Treasure Hunt at 4 p.m.
Bring sand pails to collect your treasures! (Weather Permitting)
Hay Piles for each of these age groups:
0-3 years old, 4-6 years old, 7-10 years old
Cheryl The Clown-Making Balloon Creations
from noon-3 p.m.
of Vermont 50
Runners and Mtn Bikers