VT50 Crews and Their Vehicles

Crews and Crew Vehicles
- The Vermont 50 allows our race participants to have crews.
- ONE VEHICLE per participant or ONE VEHICLE per relay team
- Crews give aid (food, beverages, change of clothes etc) to race participants and support (cheering, encouragement) during our race.
- Crews meet their racers ONLY at designated aid stations on course.
- In order to park at these designated aid stations CREW VEHICLES must display a CREW PARKING PERMIT.
- Vehicles that arrive at the designated aid stations without a parking permit will be asked to leave or be towed.
- Vehicles must be registered on Saturday at the CREW TABLE in order to receive aid station driving directions and their parking permit.
Crew Vehicles On Course Must Display A Parking Permit
Participants may register ONE vehicle at the Information Table to “crew” them on course.
This vehicle MUST display the “Permit” to allow them to park at the designated aid stations.
Relay Teams-one vehicle per team.
Please stay off the actual race course as much as possible.
You will be given Crew directions to these designated aid stations at the Information Table.
Why Only ONE Vehicle ?
In order to receive the proper permits and support of the community members around our race we MUST keep traffic on race day to a minimum.
We have agreed with the communities to enforce the ONE VEHICLE per participant (or relay team) rule. This agreement allows our race to continue.
Violation of the ONE VEHICLE rule jeopardizes the future of our race.
Friends And Family-Are They Crew?
They can be.
Crews follow you around on race day giving you support during the race.
They can provide you with food, beverages, change of clothing etc.
But they can ONLY do this at designated aid station locations on course.
And their vehicle must be registered with us and they must display our race crew parking permit.
In order to enter any of these aid stations, the CREW VEHICLE must display our race PARKING PERMIT.
Vehicles WITHOUT A PERMIT will be asked to leave or will be towed.
Crews can ONLY meet their race participants at:
#3 Skunk Hollow (50 Mile ONLY) Mile 12.0
#7 Greenall’s (50 Km, 50 Mi) K13.4 M/50M 31.5 M
#10 Johnson’s (50 Km, 50 Mi) K28.5 M/ 50M 47.5 M
Friends, Family, Spectators-Your Cheering Squad
Friends, Family and people just wanting to see you finish can park at the Ascutney Outdoors parking lot (or other designated parking around base camp) and wait for you to arrive at the finish line to cheer you on.
No parking permit is required to park at base camp.
Please Download And Share Our Race CREW HANDBOOK
More info on our CREW PAGE