More Flashbacks to the Vermont 50
Today we revisit the Vermont 50 race held on September 26, 2010.
We miss you all and are thinking about you.

Vermont 50 proudly supports Vermont Adaptive. In our 28 years, we have raised over 2 million dollars to help support this organization.
There are two options to help support Vermont Adaptive during this COVID-19 pandemic
Option 1: We are asking people to raise (or donate) $500 before December 31, 2020 using the link I will provide to you and you will receive:
● one free race entry for the 2021 race
● lunch for 4 at our post race BBQ
● one commemorative t-shirt-made specifically for our fundraisers
Remember this fundraising option will close on December 31, 2020. For more info contact Race Director, Mike
Option two: commit to raise a minimum $500 before September 7 at noon ET, you can avoid our race open registration rush on May 25th and will be entered into the race by the Race Director.
Your $500 must be received by Sept. 7 or you will not be able to race with us on the last Sunday of September.
You must contact the Race Director, Mike before May 25 at 7 p.m. if you’d like to choose this option.