Days Before the Race
Packing food boxes days before the race
Trail Marking
Race Packet Stuffing
Setting up the start/finish (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
Setting up aid stations (Saturday night)
Saturday of Race Weekend
Parking and Traffic Control
Racer Packet Pick Up
Merchandise table
Kids Fun Race Check-in, Trails Guides, Finish Line
Hay Bale Treasure Hunt set up
Restock Trucks drivers and helpers
Sunday Race Day
Parking and Traffic Control
Restock Truck drivers and helpers
Racer Check-in Table
Aid Stations on course and at the finish line
Merchandise table
Finish Line Volunteers-water, food restock, trash, awards ceremony
Amateur radio operators
Cleaning up after the awards ceremony
Monday Morning Clean-up
Clean Up Monday at finish line
At Restock Barn
So many things to choose from…
Volunteer for theVT50 2017 Sign Up in the BIG TENT Sept 23 Noon-6 pm.
Free Yoga Classes Saturday 12:30, 1:00, 2:00 and 3:30 p.m.
Once you arrive at the Vermont 50 race on Saturday, Sept. 23, don’t forget to stop by the YOGA tent for a FREE 15-minute yoga class. For those of you who are stiff from car rides and perhaps anxious about racing, Flyway Yoga will be leading stretch and relax yoga classes at 12:30, 1:00, 2:00 and 3:30.
Have kids? They will also be family yoga class at 1:30 and 2:30.
Bib and Bike Plaque Pick Up ~ Cunningham’s Lot Big Tent
Racers will pick up their bibs or bike plaques and commemorative race t-shirts at the registration area (BIG TENT.) Please have your ID ready. Mountain Bikers – a wristband will be placed on your wrist -this is our meal ticket for Sunday’s post Race Dinner. Runners – 50 mile or 50 Km your BIB will have a pull tab for you meal ticket on Sunday. Race Bibs are chipped and will be electronically recorded at each aid station.
Relay Teams-The Team Captain will pick up the Team Packet. ONLY ONE BIB will be in the packet and will be passed among the team members. ONLY one team member on course at any given time and ONLY one vehicle can be registered per team. Please look over our Relay Team Info Page before the race. The other two team members may pick up their BIBs for their meal ticket at the BIG TENT.
Runners with Pacers – Register your pacer and pick up their Pacer Bib. at the Information table in the BIG TENT. All pacers must wear a bib while on course. Please look over our Pacer Info Page before the race.
Drop bags Racers may drop off their drop bags at the Information Table. Drop bags will be handed to the “Baggage Handlers”. Bags must be no larger than 9”x 9” x 16” and weigh less than 10 lbs. Mark them so you can identify them at the Aid Stations with the name of the aid station , your name and, most importantly, your Bib Number, because that’s how they will be arranged.
Runner /Bike Crew Parking Permits
Racers will pick up their vehicle parking permit at the Information Table. One permit per racer (this includes the Relay Teams-One vehicle per team). The permit will have the racer’s Bib # and Vehicle Plate # on it. These permits are needed to park at the designated Aid Stations on Course: Skunk Hollow, Greenall’s and Johnson’s
Vendor Fair! Lots of amazing Vendors to check out, preview a list: Vendors
Official Race Merchandise Table Open. For online pick up and race weekend retail sales. We accept cash, checks and most major credit cards.
Have you signed up your child or children. Online Registration closes Friday, Sept. 22!
Off-Road Adaptive Bike Race An adaptive bike ride on the hill. Come check out these athletes. Ride at your own pace.
Free yoga for racers and families
Have you signed up yet? Spaces are filling up…
Flyway Yoga will offer 15-minute, slow paced classes to help racers limber up and unwind, and 20-minute, family yoga open to all racers, family members, and local community, ages 5+.
A head ups for all you Vermont 50 veterans who used to get your gas, ice, breakfast sandwiches, beer, etc. at the local Brownsville General Store it’s CLOSED.
You will need to plan ahead a little this year. We’ve created a map of other local businesses for your convenience.