Yes, but it’s easier for you to have your crew carry them for you.
Keep them small and light! Drop bags are allowed at:
For the 50 Mile
#3 Skunk Hollow, #7 Greenalls and #10 Johnson’s
For the 50 KM
#2K Ralph’s,#7 Greenall’s and #10 Johnson’s
Volunteers will deliver drop bags from the start/BIG TENT to aid stations
Be sure to label your bag with the name of the aid station you want it dropped at, your name and your bib number.
Remember do not drop any clothing at: Garvin Hill or Cady Brook. You may drop clothing during the race at any other aid stations.
You can have YOUR CREW carry your drop bags, which will save time at the aid stations (Greenall’s and Johnson’s) and save time waiting around after your race to pick up your stuff and head home.
Drop bags must be weighed and measured at the Drop Bag Table in the BIG TENT before 7 p.m. Saturday night.
Drop bags will be returned to the BIG TENT ONLY after each aid station closes (plus 30 minutes transport time!); the aid stations pack up and the items will be transported back to the finish line not before!
You will have to wait at the BIG TENT to pick up your drop bags–we WILL NOT mail them to you!!
This is your property and it is your responsibility to pick up your bag at the BIG TENT at the end of the race.
NO BOXES, RUBBERMAID CONTAINERS, SUITCASES etc will be accepted as Drop Bags!!