Vermont 50 Aid Stations-What to Expect
Vermont 50 Aid Stations-Keeping You Fueled and Hydrated

Untapped Lemon Mapleaid will be available at all our Vermont 50 Aid Stations and the finish line.
Gatorade will be offered at Skunk Hollow and Greenall’s aid stations. We’ll also have water and a variety of soda at the aid stations and finish line too.

Thanks to race sponsor UnTapped we’ll have some crazy good UnTapped Waffles and UnTapped Pure Vermont Maple Syrup fuel packets offered at Skunk Hollow and Greenall’s Vermont 50 Aid Stations .
Our aid station volunteers will have the waffle packets partially opened for you.
The Pure Vermont maple syrup will be in small cups for you to take but we ask that you please DO NOT LITTER. Do your part and KEEP VERMONT GREEN.
We’ll also offer the usual Vermont 50 Aid Station food: chips, pretzels, pickles, potatoes, fig newtons, gummy bears, watermelon, oranges and a whole lot more. Check out our Aid Station Food List.
Plus some of our AWESOME AID STATION VOLUNTEERS make a whole variety of homemade baked goods and treats.
Some of the later in the day Vermont 50 Aid Stations will even make you a grilled cheese sandwich.
(Our aid station workers will make every effort to separate items containing nuts from the other food, but those with food allergies must take responsibility for checking about this practice each time they take food, or supply their own food with their crew.
If you have specific dietary needs, you will need to pack your own snack food in drop bags for Aid Stations #3, #7, and #10.)
OK-so who’s hungry?
Crew Aid Stations
After checking out our foods, be sure to check out the Aid Stations where your crews can meet you, there are three (3): Skunk Hollow, Greenalls and Johnsons. They can bring you your favorite food and training drinks. And they can bring you your drop bags.
Crew Parking Permit
The Crew Vehicle will be required to display a Parking Permit.
On Saturday, you will register your crew vehicle and receive this Parking Permit-one per runner or mountain biker and one per Run Relay Team. Our volunteers are instructed to turn away any vehicles at the three designated Crew Aid Stations not displaying a Parking Permit.
Parking Permitted Crews and ANY VEHICLE that shows up at an aid station not designated for crew access could result in your disqualification.
Any family member or friend found offering aid anywhere on course, other than the three crew aid stations with a valid vehicle Parking Permit, will be warned and could result in your disqualification.
Crew Handbook
Rules and regulations for your crew can be found in the CREW HANDBOOK. Be sure to share it with them. Failure of them following these rules and regulations could result in your disqualification.
These times are listed on the Aid Station Information for both 50K and 50 Mile sheet. The closing times are non-negotiable.
The race countdown is on! Keep Training and we’ll see you soon.