Vermont 50 2020 Race POSTPONED until September 26, 2021

Vermont 50 Mountain Bike or Ultrarun has been postponed until September 2021.
A Message from the VT 50 Race Director, Mike Silverman
To all Past and Present Vermont 50 family
It is with heavy heart I write this email. The Race Committee met this past Sunday to listen for ideas, reasoning to hold off longer, and finally reviewing the governor’s newest restrictions on large gatherings, and we felt it was time to postpone to 2021.
Our concern is the health of all our participants, volunteers, and the community. We have a very close relationship with all 70 private landowners and to make sure they see us act in their best interest, and to preserve the future of the race we feel this conclusion, although very sad, serves us well.
We understand this has been a tough year on so many fronts for many and hope the future is brighter soon. As for the race season, that too has had its share of trying times. For us to go a virtual race is not a shared direction for the VT 50. We feel our race course truly is the race and what makes it special. That said, we are very concern that some may try to use our course on their own. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED!!! Please, for the future of our race the private lands MUST be avoided. Our permission is ONLY for the one day in September.
As many of you know, the Vermont 50 is a fundraiser for Vermont Adaptive. Brownsville, VT is where the Program started and has grown to a much extensive program. With many of their fundraisers cancelled, they like many need funds to survive. If you have it in your means to contribute, we all would appreciate this.
I wanted to inform you as soon as possible about this decision. But please be on the lookout for another email. We have come up with another idea to help you for 2021, and Vermont Adaptive.
Miss you all,
Mike Silverman and the Race Committee
PS. For those who have signed up to fundraise, for Vermont Adaptive, please wait for the next email for details.