Get in to the Vermont 50-NOW! How?
The Vermont 50 Race on September 28th is months away and the Vermont 50 On Sale Date of May 25th is too, but you can get into the race Now, like RIGHT NOW!
Fund raise for Vermont Adaptive and get into our race
BEFORE the General On Sale date of May 25th.
What do I need to do to get in NOW?
Commit to raise FUND RAISE/DONATE $750 before May 25 at 7 PM (the General Public Race on Sale) and your in NOW-no stress on the evening of May 25th.
Commit to FUND RAISE/DONATE $750 before May 20th and your registration fee is WAIVED and you’ll take home some cool swag-just for our major fundraisers.
For either option you must email Mike S. for more details.
Please let Mike know if you are a Mountain Biker, 50 mile runner or
50 Km runner when you email him.
ALL Fundraisers may continue to fund raise through December 31st in each calendar year
(but the $750 minimum option requirements must be met on the dates listed above)
Photos courtesy of Vermont Adaptive.