VT50 Mtn Bike Sold Out, Under 100 spots left for VT50 Runs

The 28th Vermont 50 race went on sale to the General Public on May 25 at 7 PM ET. The Mountain Bike Race SOLD OUT in under 5 minutes. There are only 100 spots left for the Running Races-the 50 mile and the 50 Km runs.
This year the number of participants was reduced from previous years because of the lingering concerns of COVID-19.
We were sorry hear a number of people who wanted to get into our Mountain Bike Race couldn’t get through the registration process. At 7PM, when registration opened, over 400 people were trying to register for the Vermont 50, mountain bikers and runners.
The Mountain Bike race sold out. Thank you ALL for supporting Vermont Adaptive!
The running races have about 100 spots left. REGISTER HERE
If you DID get in-Congratulations!
Don’t forget to secure your weekend lodging reservations: AREA LODGING
If you DID NOT get in, please considering volunteering at our race: VT50 Volunteers
There are so many ways to help out with our race. We’ll find something to fit your skills and abilities.
We are looking forward to seeing some of you in September 2021 AND we’re looking forward to our race returning back to its FULL race weekend in 2022.
We Run and Mountain Bike for Vermont Adaptive.