Call for Volunteers at the 25th Annual Vermont 50


It’s that time of year, the 25th Vermont 50 Mountain Bike or Ultra-Run is just around the corner and we need VOLUNTEERS!

If you’ve never volunteered or you’ve volunteered at ALL 25 races, we WANT YOU! There are SO many jobs that need to be filled there’s something to fit your skill set. Please visit our Volunteer Page for more information. Or simply sign up ONLINE today.

Volunteer opportunities we’re looking for…

Days Before the Race
Packing food boxes days before the race
Trail Marking
Race Packet Stuffing
Setting up the start/finish (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
Setting up aid stations (Saturday night)

Saturday of Race Weekend
Parking and Traffic Control
Racer Packet Pick Up
Merchandise table
Kids Fun Race Check-in, Trails Guides, Finish Line
Hay Bale Treasure Hunt set up
Restock Trucks drivers and helpers

Sunday Race Day
Parking and Traffic Control
Restock Truck drivers and helpers
Racer Check-in Table
Aid Stations on course and at the finish line
Merchandise table
Finish Line Volunteers-water, food restock, trash, awards ceremony
Amateur radio operators
Cleaning up after the awards ceremony

Monday Morning Clean-up
Clean Up Monday at finish line
At Restock Barn

So many things to choose from…

Spread the word, sign up your family and friends, make a day of it.

Volunteer for the VT50 2017 Sign Up   in the BIG TENT Sept 23 Noon-6 pm.
For Information about volunteering please email:

As a small thank you, you will get a 25th Anniversary T-shirt and Sunday dinner on us!