VT50 Participants-Please Check Your Registration Info.

Greetings Vermont 50 race participants.
We are about 8 weeks out from our race. We hope you all have been training and are getting psyched for the return of our race, which benefits Vermont Adaptive.
If you haven’t visited our website in a while please do so soon. All the COVID-19 related changes that we had to make in order to host an in-person race are on the home/landing page.
The handbooks: Mountain Biker, Runner, and Crew have been update reflecting these changes to the 2021 race.
We are getting ready to send YOUR race info to the Bib/Plaque Printers so PLEASE check your info for accuracy NOW.
Using this link https://runsignup.com/Race/RegistrationLookup/?raceId=45286
Check for:
- Name is spelled correctly
- Date of Birth/Age are correct
- Contact Name and Phone are correct (someone NOT participating in our race)
- Mountain Bikers is your Race Category correct? Expert, Sport, Novice, Clydesdale?
If your info is INCORRECT, please email Mike S. our race director ASAP.
Please remember this race is a fundraiser and NO REFUNDS will be given for any reason. And your BIBs/PLAQUEs are NOT transferable.
We are so excited to see you all again and our race community is ready to WELCOME YOU back.
We are asking all Vermont 50 participants, crew/spectators and volunteers to be aware that we are visiting a small community (Brownsville VT).
That community has given us permission to enjoy their piece of Vermont.
To continue to hold our race in this community, we ask everyone to commit to the following:
- Obey ALL speed limits (most dirt roads are 35 MPH, some paved roads can be 25 MPH)
- Keep noise at a reasonable level
- Do Not Litter, keep our race community clean of trash
More information of Vermont Road Rules:
Operation Of Bicycles
Share The Road Booklet
Thanks all and we’ll see you soon.