Pre-Race Pasta Dinner-Menu Announced By Holiday Inn Club Vacations

Join us in welcoming King’s Row Coffee as a Vermont 50 Vendor and a Friend of Vermont 50.
They will be on hand BOTH Saturday-at our Vendor Fair and Sunday-at the Finish Line/BIG TENT for you to enjoy some of their brews.
Before Chef Shelton graduated from Yale in 1982 with degrees in Molecular Biochemistry and Biophysics, his plan was to be a doctor. When his passion shifted to the culinary world, his expertise in chemistry and physiology did not go to waste. Rather, they have proven to be defining factors in a 25 year reign over some of the nation’s best restaurants and most coveted culinary awards.
Over 25 years ago, while chef-de-cuisine the nation’s #1 restaurant, Chef Shelton began searching for the perfect cup of coffee. After sampling over 280 of the world’s best single origins, he concluded that not one provided a perfectly complex and balanced tasting experience from start to finish.
Rather than settle for anything less than perfection, Shelton pioneered a Bordeaux-inspired blending method using only the world’s best beans, through which he crafted a line of the most flavorful coffee blends, suited for a king and crafted for you.
For more on Chef Shelton’s extraordinary list of achievements
More info about King’s Row Coffee visit: or check them out at our race!
Solafelct of Norwich Vermont, founded in 2007, is a Vermont based developer, manufacturer, and installer of Solar Trackers that accurately follow the sun, allowing solar panels to generate 40% more power than fixed installations. They deliver residential and small business solar solutions throughout Vermont, New Hampshire, and western Massachusetts.
They’ll be at our vendor fair baking cookies using the sun’s energy to cook them!
Stop by their solar tracker array and try one of their awesome cookies! Thanks to King Arthur Flour for supplying the cookie dough.
Alex is 18. She’s a volunteer firefighter in Cambridge, VT and she’s been fighting leukemia since October 2018. Just before her high school graduation in early June she learned she relapsed, but she was able to participate in the ceremony. But while others were celebrating later that day, Alex was checking into the hospital. Alex needs a blood stem cell transplant to beat leukemia.
Could you be the matching donor she needs?
The Search for a Match
Every three minutes someone is diagnosed with blood cancer. For many of these patients, a marrow or blood stem cell transplant is the only chance for a cure. However, a transplant is possible only when the patient and donor have matching tissue types. Only 30% of the patients in need will find a match within their immediate family. The other 70% of patients must search for an unrelated donor.
The chances of finding a match vary widely, depending on the patient’s ethnicity. Because tissue types are inherited in the same way as skin, eye and hair color, the best chance of finding a donor is within the patient’s ethnic background, so the need for ethnically diverse donors is particularly great.
Patients searching for a match have already been through a lot. They have received chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy and sometimes several difference courses of treatment. While these treatments may have worked for a while, their diseases have returned and they now need a transplant to live. Their family members have already been tested, and no match has been found.
Adding new donors to the NMDP/BTM Registry gives hope to the thousands of patients searching every day.
Finding A Match
Becoming A Donor
Donors must be between the ages of 18 and 44, and be in good health.
2 Ways to Donate – the patient’s doctor chooses the donation method that is best. Peripheral Blood Stem Cell (PBSC) donation is a non-surgical, outpatient procedure. The donor receives a series of injections over 5 days to boost the number of cells in their blood stream. On donation day, the cells are removed via an automated blood donation – similar to a platelet donation. This is the procedure used about 80% of the time.
Marrow donation is a surgical, outpatient procedure that takes place in a hospital operating room. While the donor is under anesthesia, doctors collect blood stem cells from the back of their pelvic b one. Your back will be sore for a few days with this procedure, which is done about 20% of the time.
Commitment It’s important, once you’ve registered, to stay committed. Patients and their families are counting on potential donors to say “Yes” when asked to donate. It can be devastating for them when a potential match is unresponsive or unwilling to donate – and it happens too often. The patient may not have another match, or delays in the search for another match may be life threatening for the patient.
Stop by the BE THE MATCH booth at our Vendor Fair on Saturday.
Putting Technology and science to work for you.
BEMER applications boost the blood flow, thus benefiting the body’s cardiac system, regenerative abilities and even mental acuity.
Imagine being better tomorrow than you are today…
From their beginnings in 1990 as a family run business in Central Europe, they set out to make the world a better place by improving people’s quality of life.
They seek to achieve this goal by providing high-tech products – over one million satisfied customers will attest to that.
But they wanted to set the bar a little higher than that.
BEMER is involved in a host of sponsorships and charity programs, including sporting events, the UN World Food Programme and the International Red Cross.
This passion for helping people is deeply ingrained in BEMER’s DNA – It’s why we do what we do!
The heart pumps blood through the main arteries, but it relies on the additional power of the autonomous pumping motion of the microvessels.
It is these very small vessels that reach the most remote parts of our body.
Without this microvessel track driving, most of our cells would be denied the nutrients required to function. They would drown in their own waste without the blood flow to cleanse them. This is fundamental for all metabolic processes.
By these, our circulatory system also distributes hormones, immune cells, and other signaling molecules.
And this is where BEMER devices come into play.
BEMER will have a booth at our vendor fair on Saturday. Stop by and check them out.