The Bib lists are out, you can pack your drop bags now!

The Vermont 50, allows the use of drop bags, and we have volunteers gather, deliver and later return runner drop bags (only after the aid station closes.)
If you have items which you may need during the race, in order to ensure finishing, you can make up bags about the size of a small grocery bag for us to bring to Skunk Hollow, Greenall’s, and Johnson aid stations from the start (and Ralph’s for the 50 Km). These bags must be checked at the Information Table in the BIG TENT at Cunningham’s (Ascutney Mtn Resort) no later than 8 p.m. Saturday evening.
If it gets warmer while you are on course, you may shed items at any station except Garvin Hill and Cady Brook and volunteers will bring them back to the BIG TENT-as each aid station closes.
We do not guarantee they will be back before you may want to leave, and we WILL NOT MAIL ITEMS TO YOU. Nothing will be returned before a given station officially closes. This is a reminder to plan carefully, considering what you’ll be most likely to need, and keep your bag size limited.
Many of the bags we receive are TOO LARGE, making it very difficult for our hard-working volunteers who must transport them. Let me make this perfectly clear:
If your bag does not fit through a 9″ by 9″ opening or weighs more than 10 lbs. IT WILL NOT BE TRANSPORTED!!!
Download a Drop Bag Info Sheet
- A small backpack or gear bag, on the order of 9”x 9” x 16” is appropriate if shoes, a top garment and bottle are included.
- Weight not to exceed 10 lbs per bag. We will weigh them!
- Your bag must be soft-sided (no plastic storage boxes please)
- Be securely closed
- Labeled clearly with your name and most importantly your bib number
- Also include the name of the aid station to avoid confusion by you or by us. Make your drop bag as unique a possible within our stated guidelines.
Drop bags are allowed at: Aid Stations #3, 7 and 10 for the 50 Mile and #2K, 7 and 10 for the 50 Km.
We will deliver drop bags from the start/BIG TENT to aid stations
- Ralph’s #2K (50 Km Only)
- Skunk Hollow #3
- Greenall’s #7
- Johnson’s #10
Be sure to label your bag with the name of the aid station you want it dropped at, your name and most importantly, your bib number.
Remember do not drop any clothing at: Garvin Hill or Cady Brook. You may drop clothing during the race at any other aid stations.
Drop bags must be accepted at the Information Table in the BIG TENT before 8 p.m. Saturday night.
Drop bags will be returned to the BIG TENT ONLY after each aid station closes, not before! You will have to wait at the BIG TENT to pick up your drop bags–we WILL NOT mail them to you!!
This is your property and it is your responsibility to pick up your bag at the BIG TENT at the end of the race.
NO BOXES, RUBBERMAID CONTAINERS, SUITCASES etc will be accepted as Drop Bags!!
What should I put into my drop bags?
Extra pair of shoes at the first drop station, if you think there’s a chance you may need to change. Most folks never do.
Clean, dry socks
Skin lube, band-aids; If you are prone to blisters include a small ‘kit’ in each bag (i.e. band-aids, sterile wipes, talcum powder)
Electrolyte caplets or dissolving tablets, if you use them
Gels or Blocks or Stingers Gels. Gels will not be provided at the aid stations
Non-liquid snacks if your system, due to allergies, cannot tolerate items provided at the aid stations
A light waterproof or resistant layer top and lightweight cap if there’s rain in the forecast (a small pouched poncho is perfect and takes up little space)
A light jacket and even lightweight gloves if the forecast is for cold weather
I challenge you to gather the above-listed items together to see exactly how small a volume they really occupy.
What NOT to include:
Anything that could break if dropped from a height of 4 feet.
No Glass Containers
cell phone (There’s no reception anyway)
jewelry, etc.
Don’t ever put anything in a drop bag that you aren’t prepared to part with permanently. We are not responsible for lost or stolen articles or drop bags left behind at the end of the race.
The following items can be carried in a small pouch by itself, or as part of a water belt, or a backpack:
band-aids in a small plastic baggie
electrolyte caplets and Advil, also in a baggie
gels or chews
Runners if you wear Race Ready Shorts, you can carry most of the above and even a few more gels in them. On a decent weather day therefore, you would have no need for drop bags.
Bikers can carry these items on their backs in their packs or in shirt pouches.