Volunteers Wanted
Ascutney Outdoors is looking for VOLUNTEERS!
They are excited about the progress they have made on a number of projects at Mount Ascutney. Exterior construction of the AOC is nearing completion, the tubing center (formerly known as the warming hut) has been set in its new location, and they are getting ready for a summer filled with great events!
They are looking for volunteers to help with some upcoming projects. Please contact Glenn Seward at 802-484-3140 or [email protected] if you are interested in helping on any of the following:
Ascutney Outdoors Center
Interior painting . Interior trim. Installation of porch ceiling and trim. Build storage units for basement and main floor. Install kitchen
Install counter and cabinets on main floor. Re-locate deck from warming hut. Prep concrete for new rubber floor
Tubing Center
Paint exterior . Stain new interior walls . Construct lattice screen around port-a-potty . Motor Room. Paint Exterior
East Chair Building
Repair. Add support to roof . Paint. Move fencing and misc. items from maintenance shop to East Chair building
T-Bar Prep
Scraping and painting all T-Bar components prior to installation, Inventory, inspect all sheave train and rebuild as required, Remove T-bar grips for testing
Pressure wash, Service
Work Days Need Volunteers
Sunday May 20th at 8AM
Paint picnic tables and benches, Paint fence around bottom rope tow terminal, Repair, shingle and paint small storage building, Raise rope on rope tow, Reset tensioning device on rope tow, Remove fencing from rope slope, Cleanup former warming hut site, seed and mulch, Repair doors on timing building, Skier Bridge Walls -Repair & Paint
Saturday June 2nd at 8AM
Repair Millers Mile & 42nd Street washouts—AO will have heavy equipment on site for an experienced operator, Check all drainage structures and erosion control from top of T-bar down, Remove downed trees and limbs from ski trails and work roads, Remove former snowmaking valve houses, “Green-up” entire area inc. parking lot
Please bring work gloves, trail clearing tools (loppers, weed-whackers, chainsaws etc), paint brushes and any other tools that you think will help.
If you can’t make it on the work day but wish to help out, they welcome homemade goodies and refreshments for the volunteers!