The Vermont 50 Race on September 28th is months away and the Vermont 50 On Sale Date of May 25th is too, but you can get into the race Now, like RIGHT NOW!
Fund raise for Vermont Adaptive and get into our race BEFORE the General On Sale date of May 25th.
What do I need to do to get in NOW?
Commit to raise FUND RAISE/DONATE $750 before May 25 at 7 PM (the General Public Race on Sale) and your in NOW-no stress on the evening of May 25th.
Commit to FUND RAISE/DONATE $750 before May 20th and your registration fee is WAIVED and you’ll take home some cool swag-just for our major fundraisers.
For either option you must email Mike S. for more details. Please let Mike know if you are a Mountain Biker, 50 mile runner or 50 Km runner when you email him.
ALL Fundraisers may continue to fund raise through December 31st in each calendar year (but the $750 minimum option requirements must be met on the dates listed above)
Are you getting excited for our 31st Vermont 50 next Sunday, September 29th-cuz we sure are! -For the VT50 Race Committee and Volunteers-it’s Race Set-up Week. And we will be BUSY! We’re moving race operations to Ascutney Outdoors on Wednesday so please be patient if we’re don’t respond to you quickly!
If you have ANY TIME to spare we could use your help on Thursday, Friday and Monday (clean-up-someone has to do it!) Please sign up to VOLUNTEER
-For you it’s time to plan your weekend and your race strategy. First off we’d like to remind you that YOU represent OUR RACE to OUR RACE COMMUNITIES, that being said… PLEASE be courteous to people you meet PLEASE do not litter ANYWHERE PLEASE obey all posted speed limits, when in doubt-go slowly! Gravel roads ~30 mph, paved roads, usually 35-40 mph PLEASE watch out for horses and riders (see below!)
Last week we wrote about happenings on Saturday (if you missed the email you can catch up on our Race News Page)
We’ve posted your Bib and Bike Plaque numbers on our Race Homepage.
You can use these numbers for setting up your Drop Bags to be dropped off for us to transport, if your crew isn’t carrying them for you (having your crew carry them saves YOU time, you won’t have to wait for an aid station to close +30 minutes for your stuff to be returned to the finish line).
The Bib/Bike Plaque list on our Race Homepagealso shows you which RACE WAVE you’ll be in.
Sunday Check List
SUNDAY RACE Morning Near the BIG TENT 450 Ski Tow RD W. Windsor VT
__Walk or Bike over if you are camping with us to the Ascutney Outdoors Lodge
__Race Parking opens at 5 AM
__Race Meetings 5:30 AM for 50 milers, 7:30 AM for 50 K
__Race Start Waves for 50 milers 6:10-6:30 AM
__Race Start for 50K 8AM
__Post Race Snacks and Meal 10:30 AM-6:45 PM
__Awards 1-3 PM
__Drop bag pick up
__Race Course Closes at 6:30 PM, however you must be through each Aid Station before it closes or you will be DQ’d
If your name is on this list (or if we missed your years with our race either running or mountain biking or a combo) PLEASE Stop By the Merch Table Saturday, Sept. 28th 12 noon-5PM or Sunday, Sept. 29th from 10:30-6:30 PM to pick up your Pint Glass.
Thank you all for supporting Vermont Adaptive and all the AWESOME Vermont Adaptive athletes!!
Vermont 50 Top Fundraisers We’ve updated our Top Fundraisers list too on our Race Homepage . These Vermont 50 athletes are collecting funds and pledges to help support Vermont Adaptive‘s Year Round Programs providing sports and recreation FOR EVERY BODY!
Fundraisers please note that you can continue to fund raise until the end of December!
Can you believe our race is just two weeks away? WOW-how the heck did that happen. Wondering what’s up on Race Weekend… this week we’ll cover what to expect on Saturday from 12 noon-7 PM.
Bib/Bike Plaques-Racers will pick up their bibs or bike plaques and t-shirts at the bib pick-up area (BIG TENT.) Please have your ID ready.
Relay Teams –The Team Captain will pick up the Team Packet. ONLY ONE BIB will given out and will be passed among the team members. ONLY one team member on course at any given time and ONLY one vehicle can be registered per team. Please look over our Relay Team Info Page before the race. The other two team members may pick up their commemorative bibs for their meal ticket at the BIG TENT on Sunday or use their wristband.
Drop Bag Drop Off At The Big Tent On Saturday before 7 PM Your Drop Bags must be checked at the Drop Bag Table in the BIG TENT no later than 7 p.m. Saturday evening. Drop bags will be tagged with colored tape Biker-Lime Green Tape Runner-Yellow Tape If you come with a crew-you can have them carry and pick up your Drop Bags for the crew aid stations Skunk Hollow, Greenall’s, and Johnson (no waiting for your drop bags to return from on course) Drop bags will be returned to the BIG TENT ONLY after each aid station closes (+30 minutes for transport), not before!
All crew vehicles MUST have and display a Crew Aid Station Car Access Hang Tag in order to access the aid stations. Crew Aid Station Car Access Hang Tags must be picked up Saturday at the Crew table.
Participants may register ONE vehicle at the Crew Table to “crew” them on course.This vehicle MUST display the “Crew Aid Station Car Access Hang Tag” to allow them to park at the designated aid stations. Relay Teams-one vehicle per team. Please stay off the actual race course as much as possible. You will be given Crew directions to these designated aid stations at the Information Table.
Remember-Spectators ARE NOT CREW. Spectators hangout at the finish line; crew meet you at one or all three of the designated Aid Stations.
And there is NO CONTACT with a race participant by ANYONE ANYWHERE outside of the three designated Aid Stations for CREW ACCESS. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification (DQ)
During Saturday’s race check-in, we host a vendor fair for our race participants. We like to highlight, in addition to sporting goods and race related merchandise, products made in Vermont and New Hampshire. Be sure to check out all the vendor tents!
Kids FREE Fun Racesgive the kids a chance to feel like they’re part of the Vermont 50 and are held during Vermont 50 race check-in and bib pick up Saturday 12 noon-4 PM. These races are FREE, however we will gladly accept donations for Vermont Adaptiveor look for the donation jar at the Kid’s Race Table on Saturday. Free for children 14 and under.
Kid’s Schedule Race Day-Saturday, September 28, 2024 Location: BIG TENT Kid’s Table Walk Up Registration and Check-In/Bib Pick Up: Saturday in the BIG TENT from 12 noon-1:45 PM. Bike Rides meet at 2 PM Fun Runs meet at 2:30 PM
Hay Bale Treasure Hunt for Toddlers to 10 year olds, about 3 PM. Bring bags or baskets for all their found Treasures!
On Sunday 9/8, we wrote about “What Crews Can Do for YOU“. If you missed it you can read all about CREWS on our Race News Page: 9/8 BLOG
So what is the difference between Spectators and Crews.
Spectators are NOT crew Spectators DO NOT follow the racers around the course and meet them at the three designated Aid Stations.
Spectators DO NOT register their vehicles at the CREW TABLE and pick up a Crew Aid Station Car Access Hang Tag that allows them to park at the designated Aid Station and meet with their runner or mountain biker.
Spectators DO wait for their racers at the FINISH LINE. They cheer, they yell, they HUG. And if you are a spectating fur baby you give lots of wet kisses!
FYI-You could be disqualified if…you receive contact with a Spectator or Crew member… NO CONTACT with a race participant is ALLOWED anywhere by a Spectator except at the FINISH LINE.
NO CONTACT with a race participant is ALLOWED anywhere by a CREW MEMBER except at the three designated Aid Stationsor at the FINISH LINE.
Contact outside of the Finish Line for Spectators or Aid Stations for Crew Members will get you Disqualified (DQ’d). Course Marshals will be watching.
Every September Ascutney trails has a Trail Day dedicated to making the Vermont 50-Mile mountain bike and ultra-run race course “ready for prime time.” (THANK YOU ASCUTNEY TRAILS!!) Some sections grow over each year and need trimming, andnew sections (due to necessary reroutes) need to be brought “up to snuff.” This year, one of those will need a bunch of wheelbarrow loads of gravel to be spread.
An array of tools will be on hand, but feel free to bring your own string-trimmer, leaf blower, loppers, rake, shovel or saw (and, of course, water, gloves and snack).
They’ll organize volunteers into small crews and fan out from that central location, working until about noon.
Thank you for any time you can give to this Trail Day!